Saturday, September 25, 2010

Homely?! I think NOT!

What is with Indians and our use of the word "homely" as a compliment?  I recently got a FB request from a guy who's reason for wanting to be friends with me was that he liked my "homely face".  Have to admit...I didn't know whether to be flattered or offended, to laugh or cry.

I know that in India, homely is considered a compliment.  But where I come from, homely means plain and unattractive...not a very effective pick up line!  I'm no Aishwarya Rai but "homely"?!

I did try to remember that for him this was a high compliment...that parents advertise for husbands by describing their daughters as homely (gah!).  So, I politely declined his friend request and pointed out that homely means very different things in some parts of the world and in future he may want to remember that.    

But to be honest, I wouldn't want to be considered "homely" even by Indian standards.  Homely in India means simple, comfortable, reminding one of home...perhaps even domesticated.  Is that really what I want a man to think of me?!  I suppose it is meant to be a compliment that I remind him of his mother and home but really...if I want anyone to think of me in the same thought as their mother, I'd rather it was a child and not a guy hitting on me!  And the other option is even less appealing - that I perhaps remind him of a comfortable slipper or a favorite pet.  **shudder**

Why must we describe our daughters, sisters, and wives with adjectives that downplay their beauty, intelligence, and ambitions and equate them instead with words that remind me of a puppy...or a comfortable but forgettable cushion we have on our couch?  If we must have matrimonial ads, why can't she be "beautiful", "intelligent", "vivacious"?  Even "warm" and "caring" would be great...but maybe it's time to leave the "homely" words at home!

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