Strange happenings - 4000 dead birds fall from the sky in Arkansas on New Year's Eve. No reason...eeps! Freaky, right? What's freakier? How about this for starters...a few days before the dead birds, there were 83,000 dead fish in western Arkansas. Gah! First fish then birds. AND there have even been thousands of mini-earthquakes in Arkansas over the last couple of months. Double eeps! Maybe it's the apocalypse...signs of the end of the world!
So I've decided that since the world may be ending, it's a good time to take stock of my life and see if I can milk some more..well, life...out of it before the universe collapses. So here bucket list for the end of the world:
1. Love my friends and family
2. Travel to Italy and visit all the beautiful art work I've seen only pictures of, eat good Italian food, and drink good Italian wine. Oh and maybe whistle at some cute Italian men...hey if they can do it to the women, why can't the women do it to them? Only fair, right? :-)
3. Travel back to Rajasthan and explore my ancestral past even more.
4. Travel the rest of India and learn about the rest of my extended Desi family.
5. Do something daring every month...every week if I can.
6. Learn something new every day, be it related to my job or completely new
7. Make new friends who challenge me and teach me
8. Read books, books that inspire or teach me, books about people I admire, books about nothing but fluff!
9. Eat more...the world is ending...who cares about weight! More chocolate specifically would be good. Ok ok...I care about weight and health, so eat more but in moderation, especially the chocolate. And exercise more so I can look good as I die!
10. Admire the stars every night...the ones in the sky, that is. Well, maybe the ones in the TV, too, sometimes.
11. Try to do some good in the world. I'd rather not go to hell after the world ends...or be reincarnated as a bug in some alternative universe.
12. Get lots of good sleep. Sleep always makes the world better. Plus, as mentioned in #9, health is important, even at the end of the world.
13. Find someone to spend my last moments with. Now this doesn't have to be a forever kind of someone. After all, the world is ending! But wouldn't it be nice to end the world in someone's arms instead of greeting the end of all alone? I mean, I'm Desi...we believe in starting things as you mean to go! Ok ok a forever kind of someone would be nice because if I prescribe to the saat-janam theory, I might be spending a lot of time with that person in another universe/world for some time to come!
14. Buy a nice house with a private beach to enjoy the last sunsets and go live there for real.
15. Win the lottery to make #14 possible.
Although...I just remembered, I'm not Christian...I don't believe in the apocalypse! Phew! Besides...what apocalypse would start in Arkansas anyways? Don't all the sinners live in the coastal states? apocalypse!
Instead, perhaps it's all manmade. Maybe the folks that made the TV show Flash Forward took the storyline out of some secret military mission and we are all about to experience a black out. Spooky! Wonder what my flash forward will entail?